Influenced by the visual representation of music by Oskar Fischinger and the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky, I created this sequence in which I reinterpreted each sound to develop a visual narrative.

Music | N467345 - Energetic

Creation Process
I analyzed the track and divided it into three moments in which the number of instruments increases. Also, I classified some in-betweens which are slow and break with the speed of the track. I related them to "the death of sound"
At the end, I separated each sound and assigned analogous design rules for shape, color, and movement.
My approach is heavily influenced by synaesthesia, the ability to experience two senses at the same time. Movies like Ratatouille or Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse represent this.
At the same time, my intention is to create an abstract language, reducing its representation to more primitive shapes and colors that transmit certain emotions.
Style Frames
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