Property of A&E Networks, History Channel is a network that has broadcast documentaries and fiction series of the historical-war genre. In addition, it has also published non-history related programming, such as sensational pseudo-documentaries and investigative programming.

Image Taken from Wikipedia

What makes us society?
This is the question that leads us to an analysis and journey through the evolution of culture and the history of humanity. That is what makes us society.
Manipulating photographs taken in Savannah and in collage style, two advertising pieces are created that compare and contrast before and after the evolution of man, reflecting a new ID network for History.
Network ID #1
Network ID #2
Creation Process

Color Palette

Colors chosen according to the history's color palette.
The direction of the project aims to contrast the evolution of man in war, architecture and technology.
Style board
Being two pieces from Network ID, one of them has a style more of an old da Vinci-style sketch while the other is made in a collage style with cutouts using alpha matte
Network ID #1
Network ID #1
Network ID #2
Network ID #2
During the development, I took my camera and toured the Savannah since it is a historical place, then I edited the photographs and composed them to create scenarios from the past.
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